Debt Recovery / Collection

tired of chasing your debtors and getting no results?

Are you tired of chasing your debtors and getting no results? Is your debtor ignoring you? Do you want to recover your money quickly and easily, without spending a fortune on legal fees? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need Justice Served Debt Recovery.


our services guarantee

Justice Served is a professional and reputable company that specialises in recovering debts for businesses. We have a team of experienced and qualified agents who use the latest technology and techniques to locate and contact your debtors. We offer a range of services, such as:

Justice Served™ aim to provide the best possible outcome for clients when recovering their debts.


We don’t charge any upfront or ‘arrangement’ fees.

Justice Served Debt Recovery / Collection

If we don’t recover your debt you owe us nothing.

Commercial Debt Recovery

Cash flow is the life blood of any business and getting paid on time is paramount to every business. Late payment and bad debts can have a huge impact upon cash flow and can consequently put your business at risk.


Why Choose Justice Served

Here at Justice Served™ we will do everything legally possible to recover your debts and our dedicated debt recovery team have a proven track record of securing payment.

We take away the stress of debt recovery, chasing money is not always easy even if it is yours.
We take on the job of recovering your debts, we not only take the weight off your shoulders we allow your business to grow.

Proven Track Record
of securing payment

Take away
the stress

Let your business
grow again

Managing Your Relationships

We know the people who owe your business money maybe people you have worked with for years. We know how we deal with recovering your debt will reflect on your business.
In most cases clear professional communication is enough to trigger a payment and open up dialogue.

Instalment Programmes

Following on from the first letter, we will chase debtors by phone and attempt to agree a repayment. In cases of financial hardship, we can set up an instalment programme. If you are happy for us to do so.

We always work with cost-effectiveness in mind so we will assess the full facts of every case. Providing you with our recommendations for action. Our ultimate aim is to recover the debt quickly, efficiently and as amicably as possible. This not only protects your reputation but keeps costs down.
The team at Justice Served have excellent negotiating skills. They are extremely adept at persuading debtors to pay. We will never go ahead with legal action without your consent or agreeing the costs.

when the courts are required

There are occasions when legal action is the only remedy. We will ensure the debtor is liable for most of the costs and all evidence is supplied to courts professionally in a timely manner in order to adhere to the courts wishes and always ensure that this route is in our clients interests to go down this route of court action.

Our experience and ability put us in a strong position to differentiate between people who won’t pay and people who can’t pay. We are able to make an assessment by scrutinising income and expenditure and can still organise repayments long after other debt collection companies would have acquiesced.


Payment Plans and Financial Surveillance Procedure

If the circumstance arises whereby a person is unable to make a payment in full, we are able to use our experience and professionalism to organise a repayment plan. Far from that being the end of the matter, as part of our dedication to recovering your debt, we continue to oversee an account until the final payment has been made.

If any payments are missed, we are alerted to it immediately and engage with the debtor to ensure payments are continued as arranged. We implement our ability to constantly assess the financial circumstances of the customer so that if we are able to, we can pursue payment in full or an increased part payment. If a client was unemployed when the initial payment plan was put in place, we have the power to reassess and increase the payment plan to ensure you receive your money quicker.

Mediation Skills

If you are not being paid because your customer has an issue then we will surface the problem preventing payment and we are skilled in resolving the situation to mutual satisfaction. When we are approached by a client, the account in question will undergo rigorous vetting procedures so that we know we can confidently pursue payment, knowing that the money is owed.

We understand that empathy and understanding can go a long way towards the resolution of an unpaid bill and use discretion and professionalism throughout. Our mediation skills are well known in the industry for avoiding protracted court cases and incurring legal costs for both parties if at all possible.


Get your justiced served, get in touch

Justice Served Debt Recovery has helped thousands of clients across the UK and abroad to recover their debts and improve their cash flow. We have a high success rate and a proven track record of delivering results. Don’t let your debtors get away with it.
Contact Justice Served today and get the Justice you deserve.